

Remember, tantrums are a normal part of child development. Be patient, understanding, and persistent. They will eventually learn better ways to express their feelings.

Crossing Midline

The midline is an imaginarily line drawn vertically dividing the body intotwo equal parts. Children need to be able to use their arms, legs andeyes across their body (midline) e.g. to write across the page, read oruse cutlery.At the table:1.

ADHD and acceptance

A significant amount of your success in raising your ADHD child depends onyour acceptance of the reality that she has a disorder. Your acceptance willdetermine everything you say and do with your child. If you have a negativeattitude and are

Sensory Processing

Sensations are the way that we take in information from our environment(internally and externally) and then process them to make sense of what isgoing on in us and around us. What makes sensory processing so complex isthat it is not

Creating inclusive Environments for Neurodivergent children

Promote inclusion: encourage inclusive language, Behavior and attitudes among peers, educators and parents. celebrate diversity and embrace differences, rather than shaming or marginalizing neurodivergent children. Educate yourself: Learn about different types of neuro diversity ,their unique characteristics and how to


Self-Regulation is a person’s ability to control the way that they feel and behave .Self-regulation helps us: control our emotions React to sensations in the body comfortably. Face challenges Free content Use healthy behaviors e.g. eat when we are hungry,

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