
Early intervention

and daily living activities. Physical Therapy: Supporting the development

Music Therapy

Music therapy is a therapeutic approach that utilizes the

Play Therapy

Play therapy is a form of psychotherapy that utilizes

Paediatric Screening

Pediatric screening refers to the systematic process of assessing

Psychological Assesments

Psychological assessments are comprehensive evaluations conducted by trained psychologists

Congnitive Retraining

Cognitive retraining refers to a therapeutic process aimed at

Intellectual disabilities

Intellectual disabilities (ID), also known as intellectual developmental disorders,

Learning disabilities

Learning disabilities are neurodevelopmental disorders that affect the ability

Delayed development milestones

Delayed development milestones refer to the situation where an

Speech & language disorders

Speech and language disorders encompass a range of difficulties

Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic condition caused by the

Special Education.

Inclusive Learning Empowerment” at We Care CDC aims to

Sensory integration

At We Care CDC, our specialized service “Sensory Harmony”

Occupational Therapy

At We Care  CDC, our Occupational Therapy (OT) services

Behaviour Therapy

At We Care CDC, we understand that each child

Speech-Language Therapy

At We Care CDC, we recognize the vital role


At We Care CDC, we understand the significance of

Parental Counselling

At We Care CDC, we understand that supporting parents


At We Care CDC, we understand the unique challenges


At We Care CDC, we understand the unique challenges


At We Care CDC, we understand the unique challenges

Cerebral Palsy

At We Care CDC, we understand the unique challenges

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