
  • and daily living activities.
  • Physical Therapy: Supporting the development of gross motor skills and mobility.
  • Educational Support: Providing strategies to enhance learning and cognitive development.

5. Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP):

  • Developing a Plan: The IFSP is a written plan that outlines the child’s developmental needs and the services and supports they will receive.
  • Family-Centered: The plan is family-centered, recognizing the importance of involving and supporting the family in the child’s development.

6. Importance of Early Intervention:

  • Critical Period of Development: Early childhood is a critical period for brain development, and timely interventions can have a significant impact.
  • Maximizing Potential: Early intervention aims to maximize a child’s potential by addressing challenges early on.
  • Preventing Secondary Issues: Addressing developmental delays early may prevent or reduce the occurrence of secondary issues.

7. Inclusion of Play and Daily Activities:

  • Play-Based Interventions: Many early intervention strategies incorporate play as a natural and developmentally appropriate way for children to learn.
  • Functional Activities: Focusing on activities of daily living to promote independence.

8. Transition to Preschool and School Services:

  • Smooth Transition: Early intervention services often involve planning for a smooth transition to preschool or school-based services as the child gets older.
  • Continued Support: The goal is to ensure that the child continues to receive appropriate support as they enter different educational settings.

9. Advocacy and Family Involvement:

  • Empowering Families: Families are encouraged to actively participate in the process and advocate for their child’s needs.
  • Parent Education: Providing parents with information and resources to support their child’s development.

Early intervention is a proactive and collaborative approach to supporting children with developmental delays, recognizing the importance of addressing challenges during the early, formative years of a child’s life.

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