
Biting is a normal part of toddler development but it’s important to address it properly when it happens. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Stay Calm: Reacting violently will only scare the child and won’t teach them anything.
  2. Firmly Say “No”: Make sure your child understands that biting is not acceptable. Use a stern voice and explain that biting hurts and it’s not a good thing to do.
  3. Redirect the Behavior: Give your toddler a teething toy to bite on, or engage them in activities that keep their mouth busy like singing or eating.
  4. Teach Empathy: Explain to your child how biting might feel if it happened to them. This might help them understand why it’s wrong.
  5. Reinforce Positive Behavior: When your child reacts positively in a situation where they might have previously bitten, praise them for their good behavior.

Remember, patience is key. With time and consistency, your toddler will outgrow this phase.


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